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Efficient Duplicate Image Removal: Using ImageDeDup Python

Efficient Duplicate Image Removal: A Python Guide In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of identifying and removing duplicate images from your directories using Python. We will leverage perceptual hashing to find similar images and delete duplicates while keeping the largest file in the group. This solution is perfect for users who want to save disk space and keep their image collections organized. Why You Should Use This Code Over time, especially when dealing with large collections of images, duplicate files can accumulate. These duplicates take up unnecessary space on your system. Manually sifting through these images can be tedious, but with the help of Python, perceptual hashing, and concurrent processing, this task becomes much easier. Benefits: Efficient Duplicate Detection : By using perceptual hashing (PHash), the code compares images based on their v...

Scrum Roles (Scrum Master, Product owner, Development Team) and collaboration between each other

1.                What is one service a Scrum Master provides to the Product Owner? The Scrum Master is Scrum Framework expert and responsible for its adherence in creating a successful product. As an expert, he is the coach for both product owner and development team.  Now if we talk about service a Scrum Master provides to the product owner - a product owner gets coaching from the Scrum Master especially for: •           In choosing the right product management techniques and tools •           In making product-related decisions •           In determining product management practices. 2.                Who can order the items in the Product Backlog? As per Scrum Guide, - The Product backlog is...

Team Roles/Group Roles (Belbin) within the project and Four classes of culture

Team Roles/Group Roles within the project Team workers are the people who ensure the team remains united. They work toward resolving conflict or issues affecting the team’s dynamics. Team workers are very supportive of other team members and are thus popular within the team. Specialists are those with expert knowledge in a particular area comprise of the specialist role. Their contribution to the team is limited only to their area of expertise. Their priority is in maintaining their professional standards. Though they show great pride in their area of expertise, they show little or no interest in the expertise of others. Plants are innovative members of the team. They come up with creative ideas that help the team in solving the problem. Plants are introverts in nature and possess poor communication skills. Plants prefer to work alone. They react well to praise but are greatly affected by negative criticism. Belbin Team Roles Four Classes of Culture Power culture ...

Psychological contract in today's business

Psychological contract (level of individual and organization): It is a form of social contract. It goes beyond work and salaries. It is implicit i.e. it is not a written contract. The working relationship is rooted in expectations, values, perceptions. It is based on social exchange theory. It means every relationship in society is based on expectations i.e. give and take. It is a Hypothetical contract. The psychological contract in an organization is social exchange interaction between employees. The psychological contract is complex. It’s mainly on building relationships. It’s about how we are treated and what we put into the job. It has to do with rewards and rights. The trade that can be seen in this case are Respect, trust, compassion, empathy. A psychological contract has the dynamic quality and it has an emotional and social impact. Types of psychological contract: Transactional: economic exchange. There is no expectation the employer will invest in your career. Relational contr...

Difference in Verification and Validation of requirement? : Requirement Traceability Matrix?

The difference in Verification and Validation of requirements? Verification of requirement – a requirement meets the quality standard, fits the purpose, it is clear, consistent, complete, testable, unambiguous, understandable to stakeholders. Validation of requirement – requirement is aligned to the business need, goal, outcome, if it supports the delivery of needed value. Requirement Traceability Matrix? The technique used to trace the requirements. It ensures that all business requirements are covered. It helps in backward and forward traceability. Helps in faster impact analysis and reliable assessment for ensuring business requirement coverage. Requirement Traceability Matrix

Business, functional and non-functional requirement: What is Business Rule?

Business Requirement – The needs, goals, objectives, and outcomes of the business are presented. Majorly it is a “What” approach i.e. What does the sales department need? It needs a digital Channel such that customers can book tickets online. Functional Requirement – The Way to achieve the business requirement is described, i.e. how the business requirement can be achieved – The system should display available seats for movie show, The system should allow customers to select available seats. Non-Functional Requirement consists of – ·          Performance: The time it takes for the system to load ·          Security: How secured is the system ·          Reliability: How reliable is the system ·          Usability: How easy it is to use the system ·          Maintainabilit...

Phenomenons related to individual performance

Individual performance Social Loafing (Ringelmann effect) is a concept that describes that people are prone to put in less effort in a team rather than when working individually. Ringelmann made an experiment with a large group of people pulling the rope. The bigger the group, the less effort every participant will put in. There are many reasons to lack motivation while working in a team: Social Loafing Free-rider-effect – some people may just lay back knowing that others will do the work, hiding back their ideas and actions thinking that others are stronger and better and can get the job done better. Having one free-rider in the team may affect the motivation of all the members. If this happens repeatedly, others can get a feel of being exploited and unsatisfied. The Sucker Effect – when one of the team members refuses to do the work and leaves from the team. He leaves the team because he doesn’t want to be the sucker. How to avoid social loafing: -    ...

System interface questions for requirement elicitation - Business analyst/System analyst

Generic overview of questions to ask for the specification of an interface (between a system A and a system B) – Business Analyst/System Analyst   Ø Business Requirement Questions 1.      What kind of interface do you need unidirectional or bidirectional Unidirectional interface: The data will be sent in one direction by the sender to the receiver. Ex: System A sends data to System B and the receiver System B will read, process, write and store the data. In the case of bidirectional the systems are connected such that data can be sent and received by both. Ex: System A and System B can both read, process, write, and store the data within each other. 2.      What do you want to achieve with this interface? The business needs this interface to help to fulfill and provide support. 3.      The Actions Needed by you in the interface? The data is required to be Deleted (DELETE), Overridden and created (PUT), O...

Consultant - Understanding the Job

What does the consultant do? Solve Business Problem. But, it is very deep term. Management Consultant is content ambassador. They are the bridge between complex client context and massive knowledge with experts. They are also responsible for the network stream. In the case of cement plant - should the client close the plant? As a consultant from McKinsey, I need to find it. As a consultant, you analyze a problem and break it into smaller parts. So, for the above problem, we would try exploring ways to improve sales and cut costs. Ex: To cut costs may be logistics is the biggest factor, so as a consultant we talk to logistic partners of the company. Duties of a consultant as a content ambassador? (Very Important) -           Gather content - research internal databases, research internet, study reports by independent parties, interview experts, interview clients, interview customers, mystery shopping, data analyzing, survey...

Working with docker

Docker Image :  Building a Docker Image  by docker file – includes the build and all the dependencies,  Container : Running the created docker image as a container on the Docker by using run command.  Docker Daemon – The background application which manages building, running and distributing docker containers. Docker Client – The command line tool that helps to interact with docker daemon. Docker Hub : It is a registry(repository) of Docker Images similar to github repositories of branches and projectes. Hence, once a image is build, it can be pushed to the docker hub and can be pulled and run as a container. docker build -t rishoo2019/cheers2019 . docker run -it --rm rishoo2019/cheers2019 docker pull docker images – Displays all the container images present on the docker docker ps = Displays all the containers currently running docker ps -a = Displays all the containers that we ran, also there remanents docker run -it busybox sh Running the ru...

Working with Git Repositories Using GitHub Desktop

Using GitHub Desktop Clone GitHub repository Open the GitHub Desktop application. In the file menu select clone repository. The popup modal displays the list of repositories accessible in your GitHub. Select the repository and click clone. The desktop application gives you an option to open the cloned repository in VS Code. Read More . Pull GitHub Repository (GitHub Desktop) Inside GitHub desktop to pull the changes from the origin, we set the "Current repository" to GitHub repository we want to pull changes from. Then we set the "Current branch" to "master" or else set the current branch to any specific branch we want to pull the changes from. After selecting the appropriate "Current repository" and "Current branch" we now click “Fetch Origin”. Then after the Origin Fetch has completed we go into the "repository" option in the main menu and click "Pull". This will pull the n...