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Efficient Duplicate Image Removal: Using ImageDeDup Python

Efficient Duplicate Image Removal: A Python Guide In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of identifying and removing duplicate images from your directories using Python. We will leverage perceptual hashing to find similar images and delete duplicates while keeping the largest file in the group. This solution is perfect for users who want to save disk space and keep their image collections organized. Why You Should Use This Code Over time, especially when dealing with large collections of images, duplicate files can accumulate. These duplicates take up unnecessary space on your system. Manually sifting through these images can be tedious, but with the help of Python, perceptual hashing, and concurrent processing, this task becomes much easier. Benefits: Efficient Duplicate Detection : By using perceptual hashing (PHash), the code compares images based on their v...

Cloud Computing??...need an answer read below..

In this modern world of technology we keep hearing frequently the word CLOUD COMPUTING which is difficult for a layman to understand...so next time you can refer the layman about this article on CLOUD COMPUTING....

>1. What is Cloud Computing?
-A. Let’s take a simple example to understand it in a practical manner. We access various email services on the internet such as Yahoo mail, Gmail, Hotmail for sending or receiving mails. For using all these services we don't require any software (except the browser) and nor a server. The only thing we require is an internet connection.
Now the cloud in this is the Server which is at the company's place providing the service and the email management software is installed at that server only. So we are enjoying all the services and benefits with a click of a button. So this is how we can phrase the above example as "If you only need milk, would you buy a cow?” Therefore, the Cloud Computing can be explained as the user only needs to get all the benefits of the software rather, than buying the necessary software and hardware for it. The software and hardware are provided by, the company on the cloud for the users.
Cloud computing is a technology that uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to use applications without installation and access their personal files at any computer with internet access. This technology allows for much more efficient computing by centralizing storage, memory, processing and bandwidth.

>2. Latest Examples of Cloud Computing.
-A. a. Windows Azure the Microsoft platform for Cloud Computing.
      b. Google Docs.

>3. Segments of Cloud Computing
-A. The Cloud Computing is divided into three segments:
     a. Applications  
     b. Platforms
     c. Infrastructure
The above three aspects of Cloud Computing can also be stated as SAAS i.e. Software as a service, IAAS i.e. Infrastructure as a service, PAAS i.e. Platform as a Service.      

For more Information about Cloud Computing how about going through the Wikipedia:


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