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Debian 6.0 Released...

The new Debian 6.0 codenamed Squeeze  is here. It took 24 months to release a stable release of Debian 6.0. The Debian is a free operating system under GNU General public license and other free software licenses. The New Debian comes in two flavors they are Debian GNU/Linux, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD. The new realease sonsists of various updated packages. The installation process for Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 has been improved in various ways, including easier selection of language and keyboard settings, and partitioning of logical volumes, RAID and encrypted systems. Support has also been added for the ext4 and Btrfs filesystems and — on the kFreeBSD architecture — the Zettabyte filesystem (ZFS). The installation system for Debian GNU/Linux is now available in 70 languages.Debian may be installed from various installation media such as Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, CDs and USB sticks or from the network. GNOME is the default desktop environment and is contained on the first CD. With this broad selection of packages, Debian once again stays true to its goal of being the universal operating system. It is suitable for many different use cases: from desktop systems to netbooks; from development servers to cluster systems; and for database, web or storage servers.

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