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Efficient Duplicate Image Removal: Using ImageDeDup Python

Efficient Duplicate Image Removal: A Python Guide In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of identifying and removing duplicate images from your directories using Python. We will leverage perceptual hashing to find similar images and delete duplicates while keeping the largest file in the group. This solution is perfect for users who want to save disk space and keep their image collections organized. Why You Should Use This Code Over time, especially when dealing with large collections of images, duplicate files can accumulate. These duplicates take up unnecessary space on your system. Manually sifting through these images can be tedious, but with the help of Python, perceptual hashing, and concurrent processing, this task becomes much easier. Benefits: Efficient Duplicate Detection : By using perceptual hashing (PHash), the code compares images based on their v...

IaaS...or ...Cloud Computing

The IaaS an acronym, stands for 'Infrastructure as a service' which we hear very frequently in the tech streets these days. The leading tech companies having good wealth in form of money and infrastructure are trying to provide their customers with the best services possible to increase their revenues. The IaaS in other technical words could be stated as cloud computing. The IT companies are moving these days with a mindset that the data which a user holds could be stored on a network(Cloud) instead of storing it on his personal computer. By storing the data on the cloud the user can excess it remotely from wherever he has a internet access for himself. Therefore, making his storage and accessibility of data easy. The above description gives you a bit of glimpse about the topic to understand it in much detail we need to understand the meaning of the two main words i.e. Cloud + Computing..

Cloud Computing:
The cloud here in this context means that the data of the user is stored by the user in the secondary devices(hard disks or solid state drives) which are connected to a server. The server is present in a location where  user might not be present but, the user can remotely access his data via internet. Hence, making the data access easy for user wherever he is present in the whole world. The data is abstracted from the devices by sending request to the server and the data is fetched to the user.

Therefore, to make the cloud computing a success the companies need a good infrastructure so that they can give user the best services and his data remains secured. The companies are providing these infrastructure to the user by charging them some amount of money hence, earning a good revenue.The IaaS involves a tedious implementation process as a company needs a lot of wealth to store such an enormous amount of user data.

In this changing world of technology the people have started moving on to accept the cloud computing as they need an access to their data in every art the globe. Hence, ripping off the inculcates in mind about whether their data will remain secure.
The leading companies which have moved to provide users with IaaS are.

To gain indepth knowledge in cloud computing we need to study and go through cloud engineering.


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