
Showing posts from December, 2010

How to convert Blu-ray movies to MP4 format?

1. Download iCoolsoft Blu-ray Video Converter and install it. 2. Click "Load Blu-ray" button to load Blu-ray playlist or Blu-ray file. Tip: If what you have loaded is Blu-ray playlist, then you can find a "Blu-ray File" button next to "Properties" button. Click that and the loaded file will be changed to Blu-ray file mode. Vice versa, if what you have loaded is Blu-ray file, then you will find a "Blu-ray Playlist" button next to "Properties" button. Click that and the loaded file will be changed to Blu-ray Playlist mode. 3. You can preview the Blu-ray file in the preview pane. If you like some scene of the movie very much and want to save it, you can click the "Camera" button to take snapshot of it. Click the button next to the "Camera" button and you can find the picture snapped. 4. The converter provides us some edit functions as well. If you only need a part of the entire file, you can use the "Trim

Infosys Technologies Ltd. Biography...How The biggest Indian IT Firm came into existance...

How a few youngsters’ dream and determination to prove themselves gave rise to one of the most respected Indian I.T companies. Timeline: In 1981, IBM in US launches its first PC which uses Microsoft Software MS DOS and the term INTERNET first mentioned and in Pune July1981, on a day between monsoon and winter 7 youngsters came together with just 10,000 rupees to give shape to an idea that in 28 years became one of the most respected I.T companies in world. They were N.R. Narayana Murthy, Nandan Nilekani, N.S. Raghavan, Kris Gopalakrishnan, S. D. Shibulal, K. Dinesh and Ashok Arora. “Seven of us met in 1981 to start something new in India and we were looking out for the global opportunities. We came together because we were sold on the idea and were passionate about the it” says Kris Gopalakrishnan. This was by no means N.R. Narayana Murthy’s first entrepreneurial venture. The first attempt was a company called Softronics, an IT consulting firm in 1976. The lacks of response by the d

IBM New Storage Memory "Racetrack" Tecnology

IBM says they have made a significant leap forward in the viability of "Racetrack memory," a new technology design which has the potential to exponentially increase computing power. This new tech could give devices the ability to store as much as 100 times more information than they do now, which would be accessed at far greater speeds while utilizing "much less" energy than today's designs. In the future, a single portable device might be able to hold as much memory as today's business-class servers and run on a single battery charge for weeks at a time. Racetrack memory works by storing data as magnetic regions (also called domains), which would be transported along nanowire "racetracks." Instead of forcing a computer to seek out the data it needs, as traditional computing systems do, the information would automatically slide along the racetrack to where it could be used."

Elliptic Labs to bring Kinect-like technology to the iPad

Microsoft’s Kinect add-on to the Xbox 360 certainly provides a new twist to traditional gaming. In case you’re unfamiliar, Kinect enables gamers to control on-screen action by using their bodies. Kinect works via 3D motion sensing technology which can detect an array of gestures and even facial features - and now comes word that similar gesture-recognition technology will be hitting the iPad, though not directly from Apple. MobileMag reports that Elliptic Labs will reveal their Touchless Gesture User Interface technology at CES 2011. Elliptic Labs sprung forth from the signal processing environment at the University of Oslo and what they’ve come up with is an iPod dock which creates a “touchless zone” that extends out about 1 foot in front and to the sides of the iPad screen. Users can then initiate a number of gestures to manipulate onscreen content. As an example, users can swipe their hands in the air to scroll threw icons or various pages on an app. Another supported gesture is the

Assange Has Signed Book Deals Worth $1.5 Million+

Julian Assange has signed a major book deal for his autobiography worth more than one million pounds (1.2 million euros, 1.5 million dollars). Assange told Britain's Sunday Times newspaper that the money would help him defend himself against allegations of sexual assault made by two women in Sweden. 'I don't want to write this book, but I have to,' he said. 'I have already spent 200,000 pounds for legal costs and I need to defend myself and to keep WikiLeaks afloat.' The Australian said he would receive 800,000 dollars (600,000 euros) from Alfred A. Knopf, his American publisher, and a British deal with Canongate is worth 325,000 pounds (380,000 euros, 500,000 dollars). Money from other markets and serialisation is expected to raise the total to 1.1 million pounds, he said. Assange is currently out on £240,000 bail under what his lawyer refers to as not so much 'house arrest' as 'manor arrest', fighting extradition to Sweden for questioning.

VLC For Android May Arrive In Early 2011

The development of an Android client for VLC has been going on for months now, but it has been slowed down by the fact that Android's multimedia output libraries are in Java. VLC itself is based on C and so translating them to Java is difficult and takes time. With the newer Android NDK, however, using native codes for Android apps has been becoming easier. So, the VLC developers have developed two basic modules for audio and video output based on the new NDK and most of the VLC libraries have been ported to Android.

AOL buys

AOL wants to be a cool content company. It recently  purchased TechCrunch  and  Unblab , and today  announced  its newest acquisition: , a site that lets users create a single, non-interactive profile page that serves as a Web introduction to who they are.  The pages usually contain a name, paragraph about the person, links to    social networks  and services, email, and that’s about it. The company also provides some decent analytics about the behavior of those who visit your profile. Read More>>

Anonymous can't take down Amazon....

The website-attacking group 'Anonymous' tried and failed to take down on Thursday. The group's vengeance horde quickly found out something techies have known for years: Amazon, which has built one of the world's most invincible websites, is almost impossible to crash.... Anonymous quickly figured that out. Less than an hour after setting its sights on Amazon, the group's organizers called off the attempt. 'We don't have enough forces,' they tweeted. Read More>>

Google CR-48

While Google has made it clear that Cr-48 is nothing more than a test prototype, it was interesting to see the machine Google used to demonstrate Chrome OS. Out of the box, the Cr-48 conjures images of the Black Apple MacBook, from the plain, rubberized chassis to what looks like the same chiclet-style keyboard. The 12-inch notebook weighs about 3.8lbs and comes with a clickpad which recognizes one finger as a left click, while a two-finger tap triggers a right-click function. The laptop obviously contains a hard drive for storing backup data, but the capacity is unknown. The notebook comes with a lone USB port on the right side, which has limited functionaly. For now, thumb drives, hard drives, cameras, printers and other USB peripherals do not work with Cr-48. Google is working on getting its Chrome OS to recognize storage drives, but it's a work in progress. Once Chrome OS does recognize storage drives, users can probably install other OSes on Cr-48 for fun. Video

Activate Find My iphone..iOS4 application...

Apple last week rolled out a major update for its mobile operating system iOS 4, and among the new features is a nifty free tool: Find My iPhone. As its name suggests, Find My iPhone is a tracking feature to locate a missing iPhone 4, iPad or fourth-generation iPod Touch. (Only the latest models get the free feature.) If you've dropped your iDevice in a cab, or if someone's stolen it, you can hop on a computer to follow the GPS coordinates of the iPhone on a Google map. Or, if you're just absent-minded like me and you misplace your iPhone as often as you lose your keys, you can use your computer to trigger a beeping sound to help you find it. It should be loud enough to hear from under a couch cushion. (You'll never have to bug a friend to call your phone again.) If you do indeed think your iPhone is in the hands of a thief, you can use Find My iPhone to remotely lock the device or wipe the data. Do note, however, that if you wipe the device, you won't be able

Easy Steps to make your own Wine....\m/

If you are anything like me you have gone past the "lets get wasted everyday" stage in your life, usually from ages 21 to 24, and have made it to the "lets have a glass of _______ with dinner, after work" stage. This stage is great...except for the fact that good wines come in small bottles and tend to be a lot harder on your wallet than beer and liquor. What to do... what to do. I know, you can make your own tasty (and quite potent) wine...or, errrr wine-esque drink. The entire process is painless and takes about two days, and the minimal effort pays off greatly. The first step to the (pointing at you) '''"Set it and Forget it"''' method is to get your materials. you will need *64 oz bottle of Juice (choice of juice must have at least 32g of sugar per serving for best results) *Airlock (readily available on for about $2) *Drilled Rubber stopper (also readily available on for less than a dollar) *

Is 'Quadroid' the New 'Wintel'?

Wintel' is the term that for years defined Windows-based computers running Intel chips. Now a similar expression is emerging for smartphones: 'Quadroid,' a term that refers to the Qualcomm chips used inside smartphones running the Android mobile operating system. The term, recently coined in a report by the PRTM consultancy, could catch on, largely because Qualcomm provides 77% of the chips in phones running Google's Android, which is expected to take the No. 2 slot in 2010. And the Quadroid alliance is expected to grow. Like Wintel has for PCs, Quadroid could push down profit margins for smartphone manufacturers, some analysts say. That might seem like a good thing to consumers, but may not be so good for many phone makers.

YouTube Launches Ads You Can Skip

A new format that YouTube has been testing for a while officially launched today. YouTube is launching TrueView, a new ad format that lets users skip over ads they aren't interested in — and advertisers are actually okay with it. When a TrueView ad unit begins playing, you'll notice a five second countdown timer — as soon as that's up, you'll see an arrow that will let you skip the remainder of the ad and get back to the content you wanted to see, or you can choose to keep on watching the ad.

The bug in the name of the C++ language.

From the internet, a popular quote goes like this:   "Of course, while it is true that the ++ operator gives the C++ language its name, it also led to the first joke about the language. C++ haters point out that even the name of the language contains a bug: 'After all, it should really be called ... ++C, because we only want to use a language after it has been improved.' " We will now see why this joke is so absolutely hilarious.   int main() { int x = 40; int y = ++x + 1; std::cout << x << '\n' << y; } Output:  x = 41, y = 42. The pre-increment operator first increments the value of   x  (the ++) and then stores it in the variable. Hence, when the code is executed, x becomes 41 AFTER being assigned to   y  . The post-increment works the other way, the value is first stored in the lvalue before being assigned to the rvalue of the variable being incremented.   int main() { int x = 40; int y = x++ + 1; std::cout <&l