
Showing posts from 2011

Scrum a Agile Approach

Scrum is a software engineering which falls under agile software development. It consists of series of steps and predefined roles. The roles are as follows: Scrum Master is the one who manages the development process Ex: Project Manager. Team is the one who do the analysis, design, implementation, testing etc. Product Owner is one for whom the product is being developed. The scrum follows sprints (short term plans), each sprint lasts between one or four weeks. The sprint consists of set of tasks which are to be completed in a specific time frame. Before each sprint a team meeting takes place and the tasks to be completed in sprint are identified, followed by estimation of total time the each task in sprint may consume to commit. A key principle of Scrum is its recognition that during a project the customers can change their minds about what they want and need (often called requirements churn), and that unpredicted challenges cannot be easily addressed in a tradition

Agile Software Development Methodology

Agile Software Development is a methodology followed in software development. In Agile software development the requirements and solutions occur through the various functional experts working towards a common goal. Agile methodology is based on iterative and incremental development. In Agile Development the task are divided into small chunks with short term planning i.e. into iterations. The iterations are usually of one to four week time frame. All iterations have individual teams working to complete the task assigned, each team follows software development life cycle.

Entity Attribute Value Model

EAV (Entity-Attribute Value) Model It is a data model to describe entities where number of attributes for the entities could be very large in amount. EAV helps us to overcome the limitations of conventional database model. Ex: Organization ‘ABC’ defines the entity ‘Address’ as: Organization ‘ABC’: Address Line1 Line2 State Country Zip                    At the same time Organization ‘XYZ’ may define ‘Address’ as: Organization ‘XYZ’: Address Line1 Line2 Line3 City State Country Zip Phone A conventional database table design (one fact per column or set of facts per row) is unsuitable for such type of data, because of: ·         the need to continually add new tables or columns whenever new facts need incorporation ·         database vendor limitations on the number of columns per table Therefore to deal with the dynamic nature of