
Showing posts from September, 2010 Declares Independence From Oracle, Becomes LibreOffice

The Project has unveiled a major restructuring that separates itself from Oracle and that takes responsibility for OpenOffice away from a single company. From now on, OpenOffice's development and direction will be decided by a steering committee of developers and national language project managers. Driving home the changes, the project is now The Document Foundation, while the suite has been given the temporary name of LibreOffice.

Twitter Hit With Second Worm In a Week

Days after a site update unleashed a Twitter cross-site scripting attack, the micro-blogging site was again hit with a bug that spread via questionable links. The offending messages appeared on a user's Twitter feed with 'WTF:' followed by a link. If you clicked on that link, you were taken to a blank page, but behind the scenes, the worm would post vulgar messages on your account that discussed, well, sex involving goats.

Apple Patents Directional Flash Tech For Cameras

A patent application has surfaced that shows Apple's attempts at creating a new way for a flash to work on a camera. The way the new flash works is very intriguing: a user can select a dimly lit area of the photo and the camera will try to illuminate just that area with the flash. The way Apple is attempting to accomplish this is similar to the way the autofocus works on the iPhone 4 where you can touch the screen in certain areas to focus on that area. Instead you will be able to light up that area with the flash. This is accomplished by the camera flash passing through a 'redirector' so the flash can be placed other than directly centered when a photo is taken.

Apple, Startup Go To Trial Over 'Pod' Trademark

Apple is scheduled to go to trial with a startup to fight over a three-letter word: Pod. The trademark battle centers on independent entrepreneur Daniel Kokin, founder of startup Sector Labs, and his video projector in development called Video Pod. Apple had previously filed oppositions against Kokin's usage of 'Pod,' alleging that it would cause customers to confuse it with Apple's iPod products. ... Names that have come under fire include MyPodder, TightPod, PodShow, and even Podium. Sector Labs is the only company to go to trial with Apple over using the 'Pod' branding. Ana Christian, Kokin's lawyer, says the fight is about more than allowing small businesses to use 'Pod' in their product names. She noted a trend in the tech industry, in which large corporations have been attempting to assume ownership of ordinary words.

Chrome Frame Beta Plug-in IE is out ( replaces the default IE rendering engine)

Google’s controversial Chrome Frame browser plug-in is now out of beta and  ready for prime time . Chrome Frame is an Internet Explorer plug-in that replaces the default IE rendering engine, which is lacking in support for web standards, with the more modern and capable engine that powers Google’s Chrome browser. It essentially embeds Google’s browser inside any tab or window within Microsoft’s browser, giving even the older, antiquated versions of IE the gift of enhanced JavaScript rendering and support for HTML5 technologies like embedded audio and video. So if you’re stuck using IE6 or IE7 at work and would like to see what the latest and greatest on the web actually looks like, you can grab the official release of Chrome Frame from Google. If you’ve been using the Chrome Frame beta, you’ll automatically be updated to the latest version. According the Chrome blog, the latest release of Chrome Frame is three times faster on Windows Vista and Windows 7, and the most common conflicts w

Nokia Paying $10M For Symbian Software Developers

Yesterday Nokia and AT&T announced a mobile software coding contest worth $10 million in prize money. The move is intended to help Symbian compete with Android and iOS. The day before this announcement, Sony Ericsson said it would not be making any new Symbian devices and is instead focusing on Android. That left Nokia pretty much alone with Symbian, and now it wants to find new coding 'friends' to keep the platform alive. Natural selection seems to be slowly eroding Symbian's future. Is this contest too late? Contest Link:

Google Announces Project 10^100 Winners

Google has selected winners for Project 10^100, a contest to find the best ideas to change the world. Among the winners is the Khan Academy , which we've discussed previously. Google is "providing $2 million to support the creation of more courses and to enable the Khan Academy to translate their core library into the world’s most widely spoken languages." The other winning projects are: FIRST , an organization fostering math and science education through team competition; Public.Resource.Org , a government transparency effort focused on online access to public documents; Shweeb , a silly-looking method of human-powered urban transit; and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences , a center aimed at promoting graduate-level math and science education in Africa

Copyright License Fees Drive Pandora Out of Canada

Online streaming music services such as Pandora are abandoning plans to launch in Canada, claiming licensing fees are too high: 'These rates ... are astronomical,' Tim Westergren, founder of California-based Pandora, wrote in an email to The Canadian Press. The agency that collects music royalties in Canada on behalf of record companies and performing artists wants to charge web-based music sites that stream to mobile devices the greater of two figures: 45 per cent of the site's gross revenues in Canada or 7.5-tenths of a cent for every song streamed. Meanwhile, record labels are blaming the lack of online music services in Canada on piracy: 'Why would you spend a lot of money trying to build a service in Canada when Canadians take so much without paying for it?' said Graham Henderson, president of the Canadian Recording Industry Association, which represents major record labels.

Microsoft Says IE9 Beta Demand Overwhelming

Microsoft expected Internet Explorer 9 to be popular, but after more than two million people downloaded the IE9 beta in the first two days after its release, the software giant is having a hard time choosing which eye-popping statistics to cite. Microsoft says its "Beauty of the Web" site, which illustrates the aesthetic advantages of IE9's support for HTML5 and hardware acceleration, has had more the 9 million visits and 26 million page views since the IE9 beta launch on Sept. 15. Microsoft's developer-oriented IE Test Drive Site has had 4 million page views during the same period.

Twitter Closes Hole After Attack Hits Up To 500K Users...

Twitter closed an ugly cross site scripting hole in its Web page Tuesday morning, but not until a fast moving attack, including at least two Twitter worms, compromised hundreds of thousands of user accounts. At its height, the attacks were hitting 100 Twitter users each second, putting estimates of the total number of victims at around 500,000 according to researchers at Kaspersky Lab.

Google Prepares to integrate Instant Search For Chrome 8..

Google is apparently playing with a nifty integration of instant search inside of its Chrome browser. Typing in the URL bar will automatically bring up a search page, while URLs apparently can be completed much faster as well. It seems as if Google isn't running out of ideas for its browser anytime soon.

Ex-HP CEO Hurd Pays $14 Million Bounty as Oracle Pledge Fee

Valleywag reports that ousted HP CEO Mark Hurd is paying dearly to roll with Oracle, giving up millions of dollars to settle the HP lawsuit that threatened to prevent him from working at his new job. Hurd will forfeit about 345,000 restricted HP shares that he was given as part of his HP exit package, which had a market value of $13.6 million. In addition to announcing the truce against the backdrop of Oracle's OpenWorld conference, HP and Oracle also reaffirmed their vows to each other.

Twitter Suffers Web Interface Exploit

We're seeing lots of re-tweets on right now, all containing a fragment of JavaScript, which re-tweets itself when moused-over on the Twitter web interface. This could easily be muted into a more sinister attack, so it is recommended that you use a third party client application, or refrain from social media altogether until the problem is resolved.

Matrix Add,Subtract,multiplication Program using Operator Overloading +,-,*

The Program Has been designed in Visual Studio 2010 with performance analysis.... The matrix #include"iostream" #include"conio.h" #include"cctype" using namespace std; int i=0,j=0,l=0; int e,f; char ch; void menu(); void choice(char); int main(); void start(); class MAT { int **a; int m,n; public: MAT() { } MAT(int ,int); void input(); MAT operator+(MAT); MAT operator-(MAT); MAT operator*(MAT); void reentervalues(); void display(); }x,y; //Parameterized Constructor for Dynamic Initialization of Two Dimensional Array MAT::MAT(int c,int d) { m=c; n=d; a=new int *[m]; for(i=0;i { a[i]=new int[n]; } } //Function to take values from user void MAT::input() { cout<<"Enter the Values for Matrix"< for(i=0;i { for(j=0;j { cout<<"\nEnter The Value at "< < <<" Place:\t"; cin>>a[i][j]; } } l++; system("CLS"

ASCII Codes Table and Description

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Computers can only understand numbers, so an ASCII code is the numerical representation of a character such as 'a' or '@' or an action of some sort. ASCII was developed a long time ago and now the non-printing characters are rarely used for their original purpose. Below is the ASCII character table and this includes descriptions of the first 32 non-printing characters. ASCII was actually designed for use with teletypes and so the descriptions are somewhat obscure. If someone says they want your CV however in ASCII format, all this means is they want 'plain' text with no formatting such as tabs, bold or underscoring - the raw format that any computer can understand. This is usually so they can easily import the file into their own applications without issues. Notepad.exe creates ASCII text, or in MS Word you can save a file as 'text only'

VMware Looks To Acquire Novell's SUSE Unit

According to the Wall Street Journal, VMware is attempting to acquire Novell's SUSE Linux operating system business. This move would give VMware a full stack of enterprise software and allow it to establish itself as a full-blown infrastructure and software vendor in direct competition with Red Hat.

Hacking Linux....Hole In Linux Kernel Provides Root(Superuser) Rights

A vulnerability in the 32-bit compatibility mode of the current Linux kernel (and previous versions) for 64-bit systems can be exploited to escalate privileges. For instance, attackers can break into a system and exploit a hole in the web server to get complete root (also known as superuser) rights or permissions for a victim's system. According to a report, the problem occurs because the 32-bit call emulation layer does not check whether the call is truly in the Syscall table. Ben Hawkes, who discovered the problem, says the vulnerability can be exploited to execute arbitrary code with kernel rights. ... Hawkes says the vulnerability was discovered and remedied back in 2007, but at some point in 2008 kernel developers apparently removed the patch, reintroducing the vulnerability. The older exploit apparently only needed slight modifications to work with the new hole.

Ways To Fix Blue Screen Of Windows OS...

Summary:   The blue screen error is one of the problems faced in Microsoft’s Windows operating system. This problem can be occurred due to hardware failure, software or driver failure in windows op... The blue screen error is one of the problems faced in Microsoft’s Windows operating system. This problem can be occurred due to hardware failure, software or driver failure in windows operating system and is very difficult to resolve. Sometime the problem of blue screen is very minor that can be resolved by simply restarting the computer. If the problem is serious then need complete diagnosis to fix blue screen error in windows operating system. There could be many reasons causing this problem, it requires a professional help to diagnose & fix the problem whether it is a hardware or software issue. This is because the experienced technicians can understand the error messages associated with blue screen problem. ' ''Fix Computer Blue Screen Error'''

Google Fixes 10 Bugs In Chrome, Pays $4000 Bounty

It seems Google's bug bounty program is paying some nice dividends, for both sides. Less than two weeks after releasing version 6.0 of its Chrome browser, Google has pushed out another Chrome release, which includes fixes for 10 security bugs, seven of which are rated either critical or high. Google Chrome 6.0.472.59 comes out just 12 days after the last Chrome release, which fixed 14 security bugs. As part of its bug bounty program, Google paid out $4,000 in rewards to researchers who disclosed security flaws in the browser. Most of the security flaws fixed in the new release are in the Windows version of Chrome, but the most serious bug is only in Chrome for Mac.

Sept. 16, 1985: Jobs Quits Apple Sept. 16, 1997: Jobs Rejoins Apple

Sept. 16:  It’s an auspicious day in the history of Steve Jobs. It’s the day he quit Apple and the day he returned.

Fujitsu Eyes Wireless Gadget Charging For 2012

Researchers at Fujitsu Laboratories have developed a wireless charging system that they say can simultaneously charge a variety of portable gadgets over a distance of several centimeters without the need for cables. The system, which will be detailed at a technical conference in Japan this week, could begin appearing in mobile phones and other products as soon as 2012, the company said. Fujitsu's system is based on magnetic resonance in which power can be wirelessly sent between two coils that are tuned to resonate at the same frequency.

Nokia Names Microsoft's Elop As New CEO

Nokia has tapped Stephen Elop, former president of Microsoft's business software group, to become its new CEO effective Sept. 21. Elop will replace Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, who loses his board seat immediately and will step down from the CEO position on Sept. 20. Microsoft said Elop will leave immediately, but the company doesn't seem to be rushing to fill the vacancy at the top of one of its largest divisions. 'I am writing to let you know that Stephen Elop has been offered and has accepted the job as CEO of Nokia and will be leaving Microsoft, effective immediately,' Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer wrote in a letter to employees late Thursday.

GoDaddy Up For Auction

Image, the closely held website that registers Internet domain names, has put itself up for sale in an auction that could fetch more than $1 billion, people familiar with the matter said. The company, which currently has more than 43 million domains under management is well known for its edgy advertising, including Super Bowl commercials and ads featuring different 'Go Daddy Girls,' including racing car driver Danica Patrick.

IOS 4.1 Jailbroken Already

Just hours after Apple released iOS 4.1 to great fanfare, hardware hackers found a way to jailbreak devices that run the new operating system. More surprising still, there doesn't appear to be anything Steve Jobs can do to stop them in the near future. The exploit in the boot ROM of iOS devices was first announced by iPhone Dev-Team member pod2g. It was soon confirmed by other hackers, who said that because the exploit targets such a low-level part of the operating system, Apple won't be able to stop jailbreakers without making significant hardware changes.

New Adobe PDF Zero-Day Under Attack

Adobe has sounded an alarm for a new zero-day flaw in its PDF Reader/Acrobat software, warning that hackers are actively exploiting the vulnerability in-the-wild. An Adobe spokeswoman described the attacks as 'limited' but warned that that could change with the availability of public samples and exploit code.

Facebook Glitch Let Spammer Post To Walls

A clever spammer found a glitch in Facebook's photo upload system and used it to post thousands of unwanted Wall messages last week. Facebook confirmed the bug Friday, after notifying affected users of the issue. Most of the messages promised 'Free iPhones,' a common spam message on Facebook these days. Facebook says that the spammer hit thousands of profiles before the company removed the spammy photos and notified affected users. No accounts were compromised as a result of the bug.